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Saturday, 18 April 2015

NATBOARD DNB Final Exam 2015 (Broad Specialty)

Admission for DNB Final Examination (Broad Specialty) June 2015

The Diplomate of National Board (DNB) invites application form eligibile candidates for Final Examination (Broad Specialty) during the admission session June 2015
Information bulletin and application form for Diplomate of National Board Final Examination(Broad Specialties)
National Board of Examination (NBE) shall conduct the DNB Final Examination on 13th & 14th June 2015 in various Specialities

Information for Candidates

DNB - Final is an exit examination leading to the award of DNB qualification
A candidate holding a medical qualification (DM/ MS) i.e. having passed the final examination in a specialty recognized as per the provisions of Indian Medical Council
A candidate registered with the Board as a DNB trainee and obtaining requisite period of training as prescribed by the Board & fulfilling other eligibility criteria as stated in the Information Bulletin may appear for the DNB final examination (Broad Specialty)
The examinations are held only as per the schedule of examinations prescribed by the Board from time to time
Applications for admission to the examination should definitely reach NBE by the specified date

Eligibility (Broad Specialty):

a) DNB training: Candidates who have undergone training as a DNB trainee at any National Board of Examinations accredited institute or any medical college/university recognized institute after having registered with NBE as a DNB trainee and are completing their prescribed (as per registration letter) training as DNB trainee as per the following schedule:
Cut off date for completion of DNB Training: 15th November 2015
Can undertake the DNB Final Examination in the same specialty subjected to completion of training by the date mentioned & submission of certificate to this effect
Submission of Training Completion Certificate along with leave records for DNB trainees is an essential pre-requisite. In case the candidate does not submit the training Completion certificate (as per applicable format given in Annexure III & IV) with the application form, his/her application may be rejected and fees forfeited
b) MD/MS: Candidates who have passed the final examination leading to the award of Post Graduate Degree from Indian Universities which are duly recognized as per provisions of Indian Medical Council Act 1956 i.e. have passed the final examinations for MD/MS degrees on or before 31st April 2015 can apply for the DNB Final examination in same broad specialty
Submission of proof of having passed the MD/MS final examination on or before 31st April 2015 is an essential prerequisite. In case the candidate does not submit the requisite proof of passingMD/MS before 30th April 2015, his/ her application shall be rejected & fees forfeited
c) Post Diploma: Candidates who are registered with the Board and completing their prescribed training (as per the registration letter) by 15th October 2015 are eligible (Admission Session July 2013) Submission of Training Completion Certificate along with leave records for DNB trainees is an essential pre- requisite
In case the candidate does not submit the training Completion certificate and leave records (as per applicable format given in Annexure-III & IV) with the application form, his/her application may be rejected and fees forfeited
Candidates not completing their DNB training at the time of submitting the application are required to submit provisional training completion certificate as per format in Annexure-III along with leave records and also required to submit Annexure-IV within 15 days of completion of their training
Such candidates shall be provisionally allowed to appear for DNB Examination at sole discretion of NBE and subject to compliance of eligibility criteria prescribed


For Board Specialities: The DNB Final is a two-stage exam comprising of theory and practical component
An eligible candidate who has qualified the theory examination is permitted to appear in the practical exam
A candidate unsuccessful in the first attempt of practical examination is permitted to undertake two more attempts in practical these attempts shall be any 2 practical exams of the exams placed with the next 3 sessions of theory examination and after payment of full examination fees as may be prescribed by NBE
Example: candidates qualifying theory exam in June-2015 session shall appear for their first attempt in the practical exams placed in Sept./Oct/Nov.2015 session compulsorily
Examination (Broad Specialities)
Theory Exam:
i) The theory examination comprises of four papers, maximum marks 100 each
ii) There are 10 short notes of 10 marks each in the question paper. The number of short notes and their respective marks weightage may vary in some subjects/some papers.
iii) Maximum time permitted is 3 hours for each question paper
iv) Candidate must score at least 50% in the aggregate of 4 papers to qualify the theory examination
v) Candidates appearing for General Medicine, Paediatrics and Family Medicine 4 paper shall be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) based exam; there shall be 200 questions of single response type
Each question shall carry 0.5 marks i.e. maximum marks shall be 100
There shall be negative marking of 20% i.e., each correct answer will give 0.5 marks and each incorrect response shall lead to deduction of 0.1 marks
vi) Only those candidates who have qualified the theory examination are permitted to take up the practical exam
Practical Exam:
i) Maximum Marks: 300
ii) Comprises of Clinical Examination and Viva
iii) Candidate must obtain a minimum of 50% marks in the Clinical/Examination (including Viva) to qualify for the Practical Exam
There are no grace marks in Practical Examination
iv) There are a maximum of three attempts that can be availed by a candidate for Practical Exam
v) First attempt is the practical examination following immediately after the declaration of theory results
vi) Second and third attempt in practical examination shall be permitted out of the next three sessions of practical examinations placed alongwith the next three successive theory examination sessions; after payment of full examination fees as may be prescribed by NBE
vii) Absentation from Practical Examination is counted as an attempt

Application Form

Candidate is required to download the Application Form 1 & Application Form 2 from the and submit the duly filled Application Forms along with the necessary documents before the prescribed cut off date i.e. 06th May 2015
Enclose photocopies of certificates and Pay-In-Slip (NBE copy) with the Application Form
The check list as in this information bulletin is to be annexed with the application form to be submitted to the NBE office
All candidates registered with NBE have to submit self attested copy of the registration letter registration number issued by NBE with the application form for final examination
Applications for admission to the examination should definitely reach NBE by the specified date
Statements made by the candidate in the application form shall be certified by the head of the institution at the appropriate place and the application shall be supported by the relevant documents
Candidates who are not in service shall get their forms signed by a Gazetted Officer
Applications of candidates producing false or fabricated records will not be considered and the candidate may be further debarred from appearing in any future examinations
Candidates should go through the bulletin carefully for eligibility criteria before writing to the Board’s Office; queries pertaining to eligibility and other issues will only be entertained if the information requested is not given in bulletin or on website
Incomplete applications or application not in accordance with instructions will not be considered
In such cases, the examination fee will not be refunded
Fee will neither be carried forward to a future date nor refunded under any circumstances; applications in original along with enclosures received after the due date will be returned
Candidate found to be ineligible at any stage of DNB examination, will not be permitted to appear in the exam; in an unlikely event of any ineligible candidate appearing and/or passing the DNB exam the results/candidature of such candidate will be cancelled and/or are deemed to be cancelled
Instructions in the information-bulletin are liable to changes based on decisions taken by the Board from time to time
However, candidates will be governed by information Bulletin vide which they were registered for determining the eligibility
NBE reserves its absolute rights to alter the examination schedule, pattern, policy and guidelines at any time during the continuation or after the completion of DNB training
NBE reserves its absolute right to alter, amend, modify or apply any or some of the instructions/ guidelines contained in this information bulletin
Request will not be entertained for change in date/center of examination under any circumstances
Absentees from the examination will forfeit their examination fee and Photocopy of the filled in application form may be retained by the candidate for future reference
All certificates (photocopies) should be attested by a Gazetted Officer /self-certified; unattested/uncertified copies will not be accepted under any circumstances
Result and Roll number for DNB Final Exams may also be seen on the
Candidates should ensure before applying for the registration that their MBBS/ MD/MS/Diploma/DM/M.Ch is recognized by MCI
If it is found at any time that the Degree/Diploma is not recognized by MCI then the NBE will have the right to cancel the registration. Registration with NBE is mandatory for all candidates appearing in DNB Examinations
All the correspondence should be addressed to the Executive Director, National Board of Examinations, Medical Enclave, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110029
Candidates are requested to kindly superscibed the envelope with the subject matter of the correspondence for expeditious processing
For queries submitted by e-mail, please do mention DNB Final - Session June 2015 in subject line and include your complete contact details

Deposition of Fees:

By Cash Deposit: The fee as above can be deposited at any branch of the Indian Bank or Axis Bank; the list of branches of Axis Bank and Indian Bank can be seen at their and respectively
Pay-in-slip can also be downloaded from NBE Website NBE copy of pay-in-slip is required to be submitted in original alongwith application form Absentees from the exam

Thesis Submission to NBE

As per NBE norms, writing a thesis is essential for all DNB candidates towards partial fulfillment of eligibility for award of DNB degree certificate
DNB candidates are required to submit their thesis before the cutoff date which shall be 30th June  of same year for candidates appearing for their scheduled December final theory examination
Similarly candidates who shall be appearing in their scheduled June DNB final examination shall be required to submit their thesis by 31st of preceding December
For June 2015 exam going candidates, the prescribed cut off dates are as follows:
For DNB Final Examination (June 2015)
Cut off date: 31st December 2014
Fee to be submitted for assessment (In INR) - 3500/-
Fee can be deposited through pay-in-slip/challan at any of the Indian bank branch across India. The challan can be downloaded from NBE website
Candidates who have not submitted their thesis through proper channel by the aforementioned cutoff date shall NOT be allowed to appear in DNB final examination to be held in June 2015
Thesis should be hard bound and the front cover page should be printed in the standard format
A hard bound thesis should be accompanied with: i) A summary of thesis; ii) Thesis submission form duly completed; iii) NBE copy of challan in original; iv) Soft copy of thesis in a CD duly labeled; v) Copy of letter of registration with NBE
A declaration of thesis work being bonafide in nature and done by the candidate himself at the institute of DNB training need to be submitted bound with thesis

Exam Centres

The tentative/proposed list of various theory centers is given below
Centre in India (For DNB Final theory examination)
Bangalore; Bhopal; Mumbai; Nagpur; Kolkata; Delhi; Guwahati; Hyderabad; Chennai; Trivandrum; Pune ; Chandigarh
The exact venue will be informed to the eligible candidates through admit card sent by post
National Board of Examinations reserves its right to cancel/add any other centre including those mentioned herein above
The status of application & centre allotted to eligible candidate can also be seen on the

Important Dates

Availability of Information Bulletin and Application Form: 10th April 2015 (onwards)
Last Date of submission of application form (DNB Final Theory Exam): 06th May 2015
Date of Examination (Broad Specialty)
Theory: 13th June 2015, Saturday
Paper-I: 09.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
Paper-II: 02.00 p.m. to 05.00 p.m.
14th June 2015, Sunday
Paper-I: 09.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
Paper-II: 02.00 p.m. to 05.00 p.m.
*Candidates who have taken DNB final examination (Theory) held in December 2014 and declared FAIL can submit their application for DNB final examination June 2015 session latest by 06th May 2015
Candidates willing to apply for DNB final Examination - ONLY PRACTICAL - June 2015 session can submit their applications latest by 15th July 2015
Important Note
Cost of Bulletin and Application form Rs.1000/-
Possession / use of Mobile Phones / Electronics Devices is strictly prohibited in the premises of NBE Examination Centres; defaulter candidates shall be liable for penal action for any such act.

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