India’s No.1 Admission Consultancy For Admissions through Management Quota/NRI QUOTA or NO-Donation in Top Colleges.

NOTE- Below given blog information regarding admission guidance to various colleges in INDIA.
That does not mean all the colleges having Management quota Subjected to any kind of authorization with us.}

We are Providing Admission guidance through Management Quota/NRI Quot/Foreign Quota in Top Private Medical Colleges of Karnataka(Bangalore),Maharashtra(Pune, Mumbai),TamilNadu,Delhi-NCR,Orissa,MP UP to All Medical Courses (Like:-MS,MD,MDS,PG-Diploma) Through/Under Management/NRI quota.

Thursday, 2 April 2015

KCET 2015 Important dates

Payment of application fees at bank: March 8 to March
Last Date for submission of KEA Copy of challan at school/colleges: March
Application availability at schools/colleges or speed post: on or after March
Last date for receipt of KCET 2015 application form: April
KCET 2015: May
Result: May end, 2015 tentatively
  • Applications are invited from eligible candidates of Karnataka including the wards of Jammu & Kashmiri migrants for registration for the “Common Entrance Test- 2015″ for admissions to professional courses for the seats to be notified by the Government in the Professional Educational Institutions in the state of Karnataka for the academic year 2015-16.
  • Non-academic Eligibility For CET
Academic Eligibility:
Sl NoFor Admission to Firstt yearQualifying Exam EligibilityKCET Exam EligibilityCriteria for determining rank
1Medical/Dental (MBBS/BDS)Passed in 2nd PUC / 12th Std with English as one of the languages and obtained a minimum of 50% marks in aggregrate in PCB subjects (40% for SC, ST, Cat-1, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B categories)Minumum of 50% marks in aggregate in PCB Subjects (40% for SC, ST, Cat-1, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B categories)Only on the basis of marks obtained in PCB Subjects in CET
2Ayurveda / Homoeopathy / Unani / Naturopathy & Yoga coursesPassed in 2nd PUC / 12th Std with English as one of the languages and obtained a minimum of 50% marks in aggregrate in PCB subjects (40% for SC, ST, Cat-1, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B categories)No minimum marksBy taking marks in equal proportions in QE and CET in PCB subjects.
3Engineering / Technology (BE/BTech)Passed in 2nd PUC / 12th Std with English as one of the languages and obtained a minimum of 45% marks in aggregrate in Physics, Maths along with Chemistry/BioTech/Biology/Electronics/Computer subjects (40% for SC, ST, Cat-1, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B categories)No minimum marksBy taking marks in equal proportions in QE and CET in PCB subjects.
4Architecture (BArch)Passed in 2nd PUC / 12th Std with Mathematics subject and a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate in all the subjects (45% for SC, ST, Cat-1, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B categories)Minimum of 40% marks in NATA for all categories of students including SC, ST and other backward classes.By taking marks in equal proportions in NATA and all subjects in QE.
5BSc (Agriculture, Forestry, Sericulture, Agri Biotech, Horticulture), BHSc (Home Science)Passed in 2nd PUC / 12th Std with PCB as optional subjectsNo minimum marksBy taking marks in equal proportions in QE and CET in PCM subjects.
6Bachelor of Veterinary Science & Animal HusbandryPassed in 2nd PUC / 12th Std and a minimum of 50% marks in PCB and English subjects (40% for SC, ST, Cat-1, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B categories)No minimum marksOnly on basis of marks obtained in PCB in CET
7BTech (Food Tech, Diary Tech, Food Science & Tech), BFSc (Bachelor of Fisheries Science) and BSc (Ag. Marketing & Coop)Passed in 2nd PUC / 12th Std with PCMB as optional subjectsNo minimum marksBy taking marks in equal proportions in QE and CET in PCMB subjects.
8BTech (Agriculture)Passed in 2nd PUC / 12th Std with PCM as optional subjectsNo minimum marksBy taking marks in equal proportions in QE and CET in PCM subjects.
9B-PharmaPassed in 2nd PUC / 12th Std with PCB or PCM and obtained a minimum of 45% of marks in aggregate PCM/PCM (40% for SC, ST, Cat 1,2A,2B,3A and 3B category candidates) OR
Passed in Diploma in Pharmacy Exam from an institution approved by the Pharmacy Council of India under Section 12 of the Pharamacy Act and has secured a minumum of 45% marks (40% for SC, ST, etc)
No minimum marksOnly on basis of marks obtained in PCM or PCB sujects (whicheve is higher) in CET.
  • A candidate who had obtained a seat in any discipline through the KEA (CET Cell) in any of the previous years will not be eligible to appear for the Common Entrance Test-2015 for selection of a seat in the same discipline. Such candidate will immediately forfeit the seat selected by him during the previous years, upon selection of a seat in a different discipline during the year.
  • The minimum passing marks for a Horanadu and Gadinadu Kannadiga candidate shall be 12 out of 50 marks in the Kannada Language Examination conducted by the KEA in order to be considered for assignment of ranks and to be eligible for allotment of seats in CET-2013 (The Kannada Language Test paper will be of 4th Standard)
  • In the case of Agriculturist Quota, the merit list will be prepared based on 25% marks each, secured in concerned combinations in II year PUC science & CET and 50% marks secured in the Practical Test. In case of B.V.Sc & AH merit will be prepared based on 50% of Marks secured in CET (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) and 50% of marks scored in the practical test.

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