India’s No.1 Admission Consultancy For Admissions through Management Quota/NRI QUOTA or NO-Donation in Top Colleges.

NOTE- Below given blog information regarding admission guidance to various colleges in INDIA.
That does not mean all the colleges having Management quota Subjected to any kind of authorization with us.}

We are Providing Admission guidance through Management Quota/NRI Quot/Foreign Quota in Top Private Medical Colleges of Karnataka(Bangalore),Maharashtra(Pune, Mumbai),TamilNadu,Delhi-NCR,Orissa,MP UP to All Medical Courses (Like:-MS,MD,MDS,PG-Diploma) Through/Under Management/NRI quota.

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Karnataka Dental Colleges Admission guidance 2015

  • MS Ramaiah Dental College
  • Oxford Dental College
  • Vydehi Dental College
  • Bangalore Institute of Dental Science
  • RajaRajeshwari Dental College

Karnataka Medical Colleges Admission Guidance 2015

    MVJ Medical College
    Kempegowda Institute of Medical Science
    MS Ramaiah Medical College
    Rajarajeshwari Medical College
    Vydehi Institute of Medical Science
    Sri Siddartha Medical College Tumkur
    Yenepoya Medical College
    Al Ameen Medical College
    JJM Medical College
    BGS Global Institute of Medical Sciences and Hospital
    Adichunchungiri Institute of Medical Science
    AJ Shetty Medcial college Bangalore
    JSS Medical College Mysore
    Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College
    Shri BM Patil Medical College & Research Centre, Bijapur
    Dr BR Ambedkar Medical College

Saturday, 18 April 2015

CEE Kerala Admission 2015

CEE Kerala invites applications for PG Medical Courses Admission 2015

Applications are invited for the Entrance Examination for admission to Post Graduate Medical (Degree/diploma) Courses for the year 2015 to the State Quota seats in the Govt. Medical Colleges in Kerala and to the 50% seats available in the Self Financing /Co-operative Medical colleges in Kerala


Academic: Those candidates who are in possession of MBBS degree or provisional MBBS pass certificate recognized by the MCI with the MBBS qualification registered permanently or provisionally with MCI or State Medical Council and who have completed one year of Internship or likely to complete it on or before 31st March 2015 are eligible to apply. Applicants should have passed the MBBS Degree from any of the Universities in Kerala or any other University recognized by KUHS as equivalent thereto with eligibility for full registration in respect of all courses
Admission to the candidate will be given only after obtaining registration of T.C. Medical Council
Age: There is no upper age limit for General Quota (GQ) candidates
Under ordinary circumstances (ie, for those Service Quota(SQ) candidates whose retirement age is 56 years), the upper age limit for getting admission will be 48 years for Post Graduate Degree Courses and 49 years for Post Graduate Diploma courses as on 1st January 2015, for Health Service candidates and Municipal Service candidates
But for those candidates in the service of DHS, who submit a bond (Rs.100/- non judicial stamp paper) at the time of admission, that they shall serve the Govt. of Kerala in any capacity which the Govt. deems fit after their retirement, up to the age of 60 years (the retirement age in MES and IMS), as per the terms and conditions prescribed by the Govt. and that they will not take up employment else where during this period if the government has requisitioned their services, the upper age limit of such service candidates drawn from DHS will be 52 years for Post Graduate Degree courses and 53 years for Post Graduate Diploma courses as on 1st January 2015
For those candidates who possess Diploma and are eligible for 1 year reduction in the duration of course, the upper age limit for the admission to Post Graduate Degree courses will be 49 years and 53 years as in the case
For MES and IMS candidates, upper age limit will be 52 years for Post Graduate Degree courses and 53 years for Post Graduate Diploma courses as on 1st January 2015
Entrance Exam: All candidates including service candidates shall have to qualify the “Post Graduate Medical Entrance Examination-2015” to be conducted by the Commissioner for Entrance Examination (CEE), Govt. of Kerala
The Entrance Examination will be conducted on 08th February 2015 (Sunday) atThiruvananthapuram, Ernakulam and Kozhikode
It will consist of two Papers, each of two hours duration and having 150 Objective Type (Multiple Choice) Questions each
Qualifying Criteria: In order to be eligible for admission to any Post Graduate Medical (Degree/diploma) Courses in 2015, it shall be necessary for a candidate to obtain a minimum of 50% in the Entrance Exam
However in respect of candidates belonging to SC/ST and Educationally Backward Classes (SEBC)-the minimum marks shall be at 40%; in respect of candidates with locomotory disability of lower limbs, the minimum shall be at 45%
For Service Quota candidates the minimum marks for qualifying the Entrance Examination will be 40%
Category/Passing Criteria
General - 50%
SC/ST/SEBC - 40%
Persons with Disabilities (PD) - 45%
Service Quota - 40%
Mode of Selection: All candidates including Service Quota candidates shall have to qualify the “Post Graduate Medical Entrance Examination-2015” to be conducted by the Commissioner for Entrance Examination (CEE), Government of Kerala
The candidates who satisfy the eligibility conditions as per clause 4 of the prospectus for Admission to Medical Post Graduate Degree/Diploma courses-2015 alone will be considered for admission to PG Medical Degree/Diploma Courses
The Commissioner for Entrance Examinations shall prepare the Rank List of qualified candidates and the Category Lists of SC/ST/SEBC, PD, XS of General candidates who qualify in the Entrance Exam for allotment and admission under General quota seats
The CEE will forward a list of Service candidates who qualify in the Entrance Examination to the Director of Medical education
The selection of the Service Quota candidates shall be made from the rank list furnished by the Director of Medical Education and approved by the Post Graduate Selection Committee as perclause 7-2 of the prospectus
Submission of Applications and Application Fee: All candidates seeking admission to the PG Medical (Degree/Diploma) Courses-2015, Kerala can apply in the online application form available from 20th December 2014 to 05th January 2015, 03.00 p.m. in the of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations and then remit the required fee at any branches of State Bank of Travancore using the bank chalan available with the printout of the online application
The candidates outside Kerala State can remit the application fee by way of a Demand Draft for the requisite amount, drawn from any nationalized bank in favour of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations, payable at Thiruvananthapuram
Application fee for Genertal Quota and Service Quota candidates is Rs.1000/- (Rupees thousand only) and in the case of SC/ST candidates and those eligible for SC/ST benefits as per Govt. of ruls is Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred only)
Service Quota candidates seeking admission in General Quota also, should pay extra Rs.1000/-
Application fee once remitted will not be refunded under any circumstances
Application forms and prospectus will not be available from the Medical Colleges or from the Office of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations

Last date and time for receipt of printout of the online application:

All Candidates including service candidates seeking admission to the PG Medical(Degree/Diploma) Courses-2015 should take the printout of the online application, affix their left hand thumb impression and passport size photograph (same as the one uploaded to the online application) in the spaces provided in it and get it attested by a Government Gazetted Officer and forward their completed application with all the required documents mentioned inclause 8-5 of the prospectus to the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations, Housing Board Buildings, Santhinagar, Thiruvananthapuram-695001, either by Registered Post/Speed Post/Hand Delivery so as to reach him before 05.00 pm on 05th January 2015 (Monday)
However, Service Candidates in addition should forward a copy of the completed application along with all required documents including their service details to the Controlling Officer concerned as stipulated in the prospectus, on or before 05.00 p.m. on 05th January 2015 (Monday)
Late, defective and incomplete applications will be summarily rejected
No correspondence will be undertaken in this regard
The Commissioner for Entrance Examinations will not be responsible for any postal delay
Admit Card: Candidates eligible to appear for the Entrance Examination for admission to the PG Medical (Degree/Diploma) Courses-2015 will be issued with the admit cards which can be downloaded from the website from the date notified
The selection and allotment of seats including those under Service Quota will be made by the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations through the Centralized Allotment Process (CAP) as per Clause 11 of the Prospectus for admission to Medical Post Graduate Degree/Diploma courses-2015, approved by the Government of Kerala
Candidates may go through the various provisions of the to Medical Post Graduate Degree/Diploma courses-2015 available in the Official website of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations at before filling up the “On-line application forms”

Important Dates

Online application form available from in the Website: 20th Dec. 2014 to 05th January 2015 (03.00 p.m)
Last date and time for receipt of printout of the online application: 05th January 2015 (05.00 pm)
Entrance Exam will be conducted on 08th February 2015 (Sunday at Thiruvananthapuram, Ernakulam and Kozhikode)
Admit card can be downloaded from the website from the date notified


COMEDK PGET 2015 - Post Graduate Entrance Test

Post Graduate Entrance Test (COMEDK) 2015

The Consortium of Medical Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka (COMEDK) has been assigned the task of organizing a Common Entrance Test for the academic year 2015-16
COMEDK PGET 2015 invites applications for admission to Post Graduate Medical / Dental Courses in its 12 Medical and 19 Dental Member Institutions
Post Graduate Entrance Test COMEDK PGET 2015 will conduct a separate entrance test for Medical and a separate entrance test for Dental Post Graduate courses called "COMEDK PGET 2015", for candidates seeking admission to Post Graduate in Medical and Dental Studies
Presently 12 Medical, 19 Dental colleges, who make available almost 600 seats, are affiliated toCOMEDK and utilize its testing mechanism for effecting admission to PG Programme during the academic year 2015-16
The COMEDK PGET 2015 Entrance Test is being conducted for merit determination for use by COMEDK Member Institutions only
The COMEDK PGET 2015 test scores are valid only for admission during the academic year 2015-16

Course offered in COMEDK Institutions

Medical Degree Courses
Pre Clinical: MS (Anatomy), MD (Physiology), MD (Biochemistry)
Para Clinical: MD (Pathology), MD (Microbiology), MD (Pharmacology), MD (Forensic Medicine), MD (Community Medicine)
Clinical: MD (General Medicine), MD (Paediatrics), MD (Dermatology and STD), MD (Tuberculosis), MD (Psychiatry), MS (General Surgery), MS (Ophthalmology), MS (Orthopaedics), MS (ENT), MD (Obstetrics and Gynaecology), MD (Anaesthesiology), MD (Radio-Diagnosis)/(Radiology), MD (Radio-Therapy), M.D. (Emergency Medicine)

Medical Diploma Courses

Para Clinical: Diploma in Clinical Pathology (DCP), Diploma in Forensic Medicine (DFM), Diploma in Public Health (DPH)
Clinical: Diploma in Child Health (DCH), Diploma in Venerology and Dermatology (DVD), Diploma in Psychiatric Medicine (DPM), Diploma in Ophthalmology (DO), Diploma in Orthopaedics (D.Ortho), Diploma in Otolaryngology (DLO), Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (DGO), Diploma in Anaesthesiology (DA), Diploma in Radio-Diagnosis (DMRD)

Dental Degree Courses

MDS (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery), MDS (Oral Medicine and Radiology), MDS (Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics), MDS (Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry), MDS (Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics), MDS Prosthodontics & Crown and Bridge), MDS (Oral Pathology and Microbiology), MDS (Public Health Dentistry)

Dental Diploma Courses

Diploma in Oral Surgery, Diploma in Periodontics, Diploma in Orthodontics, Diploma in Conservative Dentistry and Diploma in Prosthodontics

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must meet all requirements stipulated by MCI/DCI Accordingly, they should have successfully passed their MBBS/BDS from an institution recognized by MCI/DCI, and must have completed or completing their internship by 30th April 2015 at the latest
Every student, selected for admission to the Post Graduate Medical/Dental course in any of the Medical/Dental institutions in the country, must possess recognized MBBS/BDS degree or equivalent qualification and should have obtained permanent registration with the Medical Council of India/Dental Council of India, or any of the State Medical/Dental Council or should obtain the same within one month from the date of admission, failing which the admission of the candidate shall be cancelled
In the case of an Indian national with the recognized degree from Foreign University, the Medical Council of India/Dental Council of India may, on payment of the prescribed fee for the registration, grant temporary/permanent registration for the duration of the Post Graduate training restricted to the college/institution to which the applicant is admitted for the time being exclusively for post graduate studies
Temporary/permanent registration to such candidates shall be subject to the condition that the degree is duly registered in the country where the degree is obtained and is recognized by the corresponding Council or concerned authority in India also
The minimum percentage of marks in the Entrance Test (COMEDK PGET-2015) for eligibility and admission to Post Graduate Courses shall be 50% for General Merit candidates and 40% for the candidates belonging to SC/ST (All India) and OBC belonging to Karnataka State only
Only candidate’s who are due to complete the internship on or before 30th April 2015 are eligible Candidates who have appeared for COMEDK PGET during the last three years and selected a clinical PG degree seat and got admitted to any of the COMEDK Member Institutions are not allowed to appear for COMEDK PGET-2015

COMEDK Post-Graduate Entrance Test-2015

The entrance test is being conducted for merit determination for use by COMEDK Member Institutions only
The COMEDK entrance test is for candidates seeking admissions for the Post-Graduate courses in these Institutions
The COMEDK PGET-2015 test scores are valid only for admissions during the academic year 2015-2016
There will be a separate entrance test for Post Graduate Medical and Dental Courses
The COMEDK-PGET-2015 will be conducted only at centers in Bangalore on 01st February 2015, Sunday
COMEDK PGET Test 2015 Pattern
The Entrance Test COMEDK PGET 2015 is mandatory for all candidates seeking admissions to PG Courses in Member Institutions of COMEDK for the academic year 2015-16
A merit / rank list is generated based on the candidate's scores in entrance test only
There will be one separate test for PG Medical and one separate test for PG Dental Courses. Each test will have 180 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
The time allotted for the COMEDK Entrance Test would be 180 minutes (3 hours); the COMEDK PGET entrance test will begin at 10.00 AM and end at 01.00 PM
i) Candidates are required to mark their answers in an OMR Answer Sheet (Optical Mark Reader)
ii) Each correct answer is awarded one mark
iii) No Marks will be awarded for multiple making (marking multiple responses) of any questions
iv) There will be no negative marking
v) However, in the event of a tie in score the principle of least negative responses (number of wrong answer) will be adopt

Test Admission Tickets

Online test admission ticket will be available under applicant login of the COMEDK website from16th January 2015
Candidates appearing for the Test should download & obtain printout of the Online Test Admission Ticket (Online TAT)
No Test Admission Ticket will be dispatched either by post or courier or in person to the candidates under any circumstances
Candidates will not be allowed to write the COMEDK PGET-2015 without the print out of Online Test Admission Ticket along with other documents indicated thereon
Candidates are advised to go through the below mentioned instructions carefully before printing the Online Test Admission Ticket (TAT)
Candidates will not be allowed to write the COMEDK-PGET-2015 without the print out of online test admission ticket, date of birth certificate (candidate copy) and an acceptable photo ID proof in original

Important Dates

Notification for receiving Request for Application Form (RFA) to write COMEDK PGET 2015: 03rd November 2014 (Monday)
Start date for issue of Online Application Form (OAF): 10th November 2014 (Monday)
Last date for Filling up the Online Application Form (OAF): 22-12-2014 (Monday) 26th Dec 2014 
Last date for receipt of Physical Application Form (PAF): 27th December 2014 (Saturday) 31th Dec 2014
Uploading of Online Test Admission Ticket (TAT): 16th January 2015 (Friday)
COMEDK PGET - 2015 Test Day: 01st February 2015 (Sunday)
Publishing of Provisional Answer Keys: 01st February 2015 (Sunday)
Last date for receiving objections pertaining to Provisional Answer Keys: 06th February 2015 (Friday)
Publishing of Final Answer Keys: 13th February 2015 (Friday)
Publishing of Test Score: 18th February 2015 (Wednesday)
Publishing of Rank List and uploading of Online Rank Card: 24th February 2015 (Tuesday)

Maharashtra PGD CET 2015

Maharashtra PGD CET 2015 | PG Dental CET Notification 2015

PGD-CET-2015 Postgraduate Dental Entrance Exam (MDS) in Directorate of Medical Education & Research Maharashtra

Directorate of Medical Education & Research (DMER), Maharashtra Entrance Examination for admission to Post-Graduate Degree Course in Dentistry Master of Dental Surgery (MDS) coursefor the academic year 2015-16

List of Postgraduate Degree Courses in Dentistry

M.D.S.: Prosthodontics, Periodontics, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Conservative Dentistry, Orthodontics, Oral Pathology & Microbiology, Oral Medicine & Maxillofacial Radiology, Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry

PG Seat Distribution

The seats available for admission to Dental Postgraduate Courses will be distributed as 50% to all India Quota & remaining 50% to the State Quota
From the State Quota 15% Seats from Govt. Dental Colleges will be distributed to the dental In-Service Candidates of Govt.  Dental College & Hospital and Govt Medical College & Hospital as per Govt. Resolution
The seat position will be given in the preference form filling information brochure and will be displayed on the website of DMER
There will be no Regional reservation; however there will be reservation in these seats as per State Govt orders issued from time to time (Annexure “C & D”)

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility Criteria for PGD-CET 2015 for Dental Post Graduate Courses: Candidate must be an Indian National Nationality. Certificate issued by District Magistrate or Additional District Magistrate or Chief Metropolitan Magistrate / valid passport or School Leaving (SSC)/Jr. College Leaving (Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) / Non Resident Indians (NRI) / Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) are not eligible)
Certificate of HSC/12th Std. indicating the nationality of the candidate as “Indian” shall constitute the proof of nationality (Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) / Non Resident Indians (NRI) / Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) are not eligible)
All candidates, who have passed final BDS Examination and Completed /Completing One year internship training by 31st Mar 2015 from a recognised dental college (Annexure-E) included in the schedule of the Dental Council of India and situated in Maharashtra, affiliated to the Non-agricultural University established under Maharashtra Universities Act, 1994 or the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences Act 1998 or Dental Colleges affiliated to Deemed University as per University Grant Commission Act 1956 under section 13/A, situated in Maharashtra, and who have obtained registration either from the Dental Council of India or Maharashtra State Dental Council (MSDC) after completing one year compulsory rotating internship will be eligible to appear for PGD-CET
Candidate obtained BDS Degree before introduction of one year compulsory rotating internship training, i.e. on or before 1989 will also be eligible to appear for PGD-CET 2015

Conduct of PGD-CET-2015

All eligible candidates are required to take the PGD-CET at their own cost
The PGD-CET-2015 will be conducted on Sunday, 04th January 2015, 10.00 a.m. to 01.30 p.m.No entry will be permitted to the candidate in the examination hall after 10.00 a.m. for any reason whatsoever
The PGD-CET will be conducted at sub centers situated in Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur andAurangabad Centers
The examination will be conducted in English Medium
PGD-CET paper will be of 1½ hours duration containing 100 multiple choice questions (MCQs)
Each question will be of single best response objective type with four answer options
Each correct response shall be awarded one mark
There shall be no negative marking for wrong answers
Further information in this regard will be notified in due course of time in the newspapers and website of this directorate

Important Dates

Online Registration & Filling application form: 01st December 2014 to 15th December 2014
Schedule for Fee Acceptance at SBI Bank through computer generated challan: 03rd December 2014 to 17th December 2014
Issue of Admit Cards (Online): 29th December 2014 to 04th January 2015
Date of Examination: 04th January 2015, (Sunday, 10.00 a.m. to 01.30 p.m., Centre of Exam:Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur, Aurangabad)
Online Display of question paper booklets along with provisional keys of each version on website: 07th January 2015
OMR Answer sheets available on DMER website: 08th January 2015
Online submission of objections on question paper/answer key: 07th January 2015 to 12th January 2015
Declaration of provisional result/marks: 30th January 2015
Last date of submission of application form for verification of marks at office of the designated authority: 05th February 2015
Declaration of Final State Merit List & downloading of Marksheet from website: 14th February 2015
Filling of Preference form & Counseling: 03rd week of March 2015
Publication of first selection list: 30th March 2015
Last date of Joining for 1st Round: 07th April 2015

BLDE University PGET 2015 Notification Dates

BLDE University PGET 2015 Notification Dates for MD MS Admission

BLDE University invites application for All India Post Graduate Medical Entrance Test 2015(BLDEU PGET 2015) that leads to admissions for the following MD, MS and Diploma courses
M.D.: Radiology, Gen. Medicine, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Anesthesiology, Comm. Medicine, Pathology, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Forensic Medicine, Biochemistry, Physiology, Anatomy
M.S.: General Surgery. Obst & Gynaecology, Orthopaedics, Ophthalmology, E.N.T
Diploma: DGO, D’Ortho, DLO, DCH, DA, DCP
For any further details regarding application form, eligibility criteria, admission procedure and information brochure form candidates are requested to visit the University

Important Dates

Last date for downloading application form: 10th January 2015
Last date to receive the application form: 15th January 2015
Date of Entrance: 25th January 2015
Exam Centres: Vijayapur (Bijapur), Bangalore. Hyderabad, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai and Mumbai

SRM University Chennai MD MS MDS Admissions 2015

SRM University Chennai announces MD MS MDS Admissions 2015

MD, MS and MDS Courses Admissions 2015-2016

SRM University, Chennai is inviting applications for admissions into its Postgraduate Programme for 2015-16 sessions

Programs offered in Medicine and Health Sciences

MD: Pulmonary Medicine, Radiology, Microbiology, Community Medicine, Biochemistry, Pathology, Pharmacology, Anaesthesiology, General Medicine, Paediatrics, Psychiatry, Dermatology, Physiology, Anatomy
MS: Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, ENT, Opthalmology
Eligibility: Candidates should have passed MBBS or its equivalent degree recognized by Medical Council of India (Candidates completing the CRRI on or before 31st March 2015)
MDS: Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Oral Pathology, Microbiology & Forensic Odontology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Periodontology, Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Public Health Dentistry, Oral Medicine & Radiology, Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry
Eligibility: Candidates should have passed BDS or its equivalent degree recognized by Dental Council of India (Candidates completing the Internship on or before 31st March 2015)
For further details on eligibility log on to
MDS - All courses offered in Ramapuram Campus (*Courses offered in Kattankulathur Campus)
Selection Procedure: Selection of the candidates will be based on the marks scored in the entrance examination conducted by SRM University at all India level
No domicile restriction and candidates belongings to any State/Union Territory can apply
Examination Centre: SRM University, SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur-603203, Kancheepuram Dist., Tamil Nadu, India

How to Apply

The application form can be downloaded from our website
The filled application form along with Demand Draft of Rs.1000/- drawn in favor of “SRMIST”,should be payable at Chennai, should reach the Director Admission on or before 22nd December 2014
The completed application form must reach the below address “The Director, Admissions, SRM University, SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur-603203”, Kancheepuram District, Tamilnadu

Important Dates

Issue of Application Forms: 19th November 2014
Last date for issue of application forms: 19th December 2014
Last date for receipt of filled in application form: 22nd December 2014
Date of Entrance Examination: 18th January 2015 (Time - 10.00 A.M. to 01.00 P.M.)

Jammu Kashmir MD MS PG Diploma and MDS Admission 2015

Jammu Kashmir BOPEE announces MD MS PG Diploma and MDS Admission 2015

Online applications are invited from the candidates interested in appearing in the Entrance Test for admission to MD/MS/PG Diploma Courses in the Government Medical Colleges of Srinagar and Jammu, SKIMS-Srinagar & ASCOMS- Jammu and MDS Courses in the Govt. Dental College, Srinagar.
The candidates must be State Subjects of Jammu and Kashmir and eligible to appear in the Entrance Test under relevant rules.
The selection of candidates will be governed by the J&K Board of Professional Entrance Examination Rules, 2014, JK Reservation Act, 2004, JK Reservation Rules, 2005 and Guidelines as contained in the Electronic Information Brochure-2015.
The Rules and E-Brochure are available on the official website of the

Eligibility Criteria

A candidate must
Be a permanent resident of the J&K State.
Possess MBBS/ BDS Degree or its equivalent Degree recognized by the University of Kashmir/Jammu and the Medical Council of India/Dental Council of India
Be registered with the MCI/DCI/State Medical Council/ State Dental Council
Have completed satisfactorily one year pre-registration compulsory rotator internship in a duly recognized institution as laid down by the University of Jammu/Kashmir for registration as a Medical/Dental graduate
Have a valid Category Certificate (For candidates claiming benefit of any reserved category) signed by the prescribed Competent Authority as required under rules.
The candidate, who mentions any reserved category in the online Application Form but either does not possess a valid category certificate or possesses it but fails to submit it along with the Application Form, shall be considered in open merit, if he/she is found otherwise eligible.

Important Dates

Online Registration starts from 12th January, 2015
Last Date for receipt of application form 27th January, 2015

Maharashtra PGM CET 2015

Maharashtra PGM CET 2015 | Post Graduate Medical CET 2015

PGM-CET 2015 Postgraduate Medical Entrance Exam for MD/MS/Diploma Courses

Directorate of Medical Education & Research (DMER), Maharashtra Entrance Examination for admission to Medical Postgraduate Courses (MD/MS/Diploma) Courses for the academic year 2015-16
List of Degree / Diploma Postgraduate Medical Courses
M.D.: Medicine, Skin & VD, Chest & TB, Psychiatry, Peadiatrics, Radiology, Anesthesia, Radiotherapy, Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology, Microbiology, P.S.M, Forensic Medicine, Pathology, Biochemistry, Transfusion Medicine, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Palliative Medicine, Nuclear Medicine
M.S.: Surgery, Orthopedics, ENT, Ophthalmology, OBGY
Diploma: DVD, DPM, DCH, DMRT, DA, DMRD, DGO, DPH, DFM, DTCD, D.Ortho., DORL, D.Opthal., DCP (Patho), D.D. (Diabet)
PG Seat Distribution
The seats available for admission to medical postgraduate courses will be distributed as 50% to all India Quota & remaining 50% to the State Quota
From the State quota 25% PG Degree & 25% Diploma Seats from Govt. Medical Colleges will be distributed to the In-Service Candidates of Public Health Dept and ESIS Dept (However for this clause GR of Govt of Maharashtra is awaited)
The seats available will be filled in on the basis of State Level Merit in PGM-CET; there will be no regional reservation
There will be reservation in these seats as per Govt orders issued from time to time (Annexure "C & D")

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility Criteria for PGM-CET-2015 for Medical Postgraduate Courses: Candidate must be anIndian National. Nationality Certificate issued by District Magistrate or Additional District Magistrate or Chief Metropolitan Magistrate or valid passport or School Laving Certificate of HSC/12th Std. indicating the nationality of the candidate as “Indian” shall constitute the proof of nationality (Persons of Indian Origin (PIO)/Non Resident Indians (NRI)/Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) are not eligible)
All candidates, who have passed final MBBS examination and completed/completing one yearinternship training by 31st March 2015 from a recognized medical college (Annexure E) included in the Schedule of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 and situated in Maharashtra are eligible
The Medical College should have been affiliated to Non-Agricultural Universities established under Maharashtra Universities Act, 1994 or the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences Act, 1998 or Medical College affiliated to Deemed university as per University Grant commission Act of 1956 under section 13/A, situated in Maharashtra
The candidate should have obtained registration either from the Medical Council of India or Maharashtra Medical Council (MMC) will be eligible to appear for PGM-CET 2015
Candidates who have pass MBBS examination from foreign University are not eligible for PGM CET 2015
In-Service Candidates Eligibility for In-service candidates will be as per criteria laid down by the Public Health Dept for M.M. & H.S. Medical Officer candidates and by commissioner of E.S.I.S. for E.S.I.S in-service candidates
For BMC In-Service Candidate eligibility criteria will be as per criteria let down by Municipal Commissioner/Director of Brihan Mumbai Municipal Corporation
Application forms of the DHS In-service candidates shall be received by the Deputy Director of Health Services of the respective circles; the applications will be scrutinized by them and shall be submitted with remarks to the office of Directorate of Health Services, Mumbai
The forms of eligible candidates should then be submitted to the Competent Authority; for BMC candidates, the forms of eligible candidates should be submitted to the Competent Authority by the concerned office of BMC; and for ESIS candidates by the office of the Commissioner, ESIS, Mumbai
For In-service Candidates the cost of the Information Brochure along with Computerized Scanable Application Form of PGM-CET 2015 and the examination fee is Rs.3000/- to be paid by a Demand Draft/Pay Order drawn on any nationalized/scheduled commercial bank in favour of the “Director, Medical Education & Research, Mumbai” payable at Mumbai
This amount is not refundable
The MCI/MMC registration is mandatory for appearing at PGM-CET. Registration Certificate should be produced at the time of Document Verification process
Candidates, who were admitted to the colleges/ institutions which are now affiliated to the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik (MUHS) will be eligible till such time as they are awarded the degree by the University established under Maharashtra Universities Act, 1994
The candidates who are domiciled in Maharashtra and who have obtained admission under 15% quota for All India Pre Medical Test Entrance Exam (AIPMT) for MBBS course in the medical college/institution situated outside Maharashtra State and who have obtained the degree from a University situated outside the State of Maharashtra will also be eligible for PGM-CET-2015; such candidates should submit (i) certificate from the Dean of respective medical college stating that the candidate was admitted under 15% All India quota for MBBS course, and (ii) Candidate's Domicile certificate of Maharashtra State by virtue of residence
The candidate belonging to Backward Class must have claimed so in his online/Computerized Schnabel application form, failing which such a claim will not be entertained subsequently
The candidate belonging to Backward Class Category (OBC) should produce the Caste Certificate, Caste Validity Certificate and Non-Creamy Layer Certificate (wherever applicable) at the time of Document Verification process

Non-eligibility of Candidate

Candidates who have passed Final MBBS exam from institute located outside Maharashtra, except candidates who are Domicile of Maharashtra and selected under 15% All India quota
Candidates who have passed final MBBS exam from foreign university are not eligible; candidates who are not completing internship on or before 31st March 2015
Candidates who have not obtained MMC/MCI registration

Conduct of PGM-CET 2015

All eligible candidates are required to take the PGM-CET at their own cost
The PGM-CET-2015 will be conducted on Sunday, 04th January 2015, 10.00 a.m. to 01.30 p.m.No entry will be permitted to the candidate in the examination hall after 10.00 a.m. for any reason whatsoever
The PGM-CET will be conducted at sub centers situated in Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur andAurangabad Centers
The examination will be conducted in English Medium
PGM-CET paper will be of 3½ hours duration containing 300 multiple choice questions (MCQs)
Each question will be of single best response objective type with four answer options
Each correct response shall be awarded one mark
There shall be no negative marking for wrong answers
Further information in this regard will be notified in due course of time in the newspapers and website of this directorate

PGM CET 2015 Important Dates

Online Registration & Filling application form: 01st December 2014 to 15th December 2014
Schedule for Fee Acceptance at SBI Bank through computer generated challan 03rd December 2014 to 17th December 2014
Issue of Admit Cards (Online): 29th December 2014 to 04th January 2015
Date of Examination: 04th January 2015, (Sunday, 10.00 a.m. to 01.30 p.m., Centre of Exam:Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur, Aurangabad)

Maharashtra PGM-CET 2015 Schedule of Examination

Entry in Examination Hall: 09.15 am
Distribution of answer sheets: 09.40 am
Distribution of question booklets: 09.50 a.m
Examination Commences: 10.00 am
Latest Entry permitted in Examination Hall: 10.00 am
Examination concludes: 01.30 pm
Online Display of question paper booklets along with provisional keys of each version on website: 07th January 2015
OMR Answer sheets available on DMER website 08th January 2015
Last date of submission of objections on question paper/answer key/typographic errors: 12th January 2015
Declaration of provisional result/marks: 30th January 2015
Last date of submission of application form for verification of marks at office of the designated authority: 05th February 2015
Declaration of Final State Merit List & downloading of Marksheet from website: 14th February 2015
Filling of Preference form & Counseling: 03rd week of March 2015
Publication of first selection list: 30th March 2015
Last date of Joining for 1st Round: 07th April 2015