India’s No.1 Admission Consultancy For Admissions through Management Quota/NRI QUOTA or NO-Donation in Top Colleges.

NOTE- Below given blog information regarding admission guidance to various colleges in INDIA.
That does not mean all the colleges having Management quota Subjected to any kind of authorization with us.}

We are Providing Admission guidance through Management Quota/NRI Quot/Foreign Quota in Top Private Medical Colleges of Karnataka(Bangalore),Maharashtra(Pune, Mumbai),TamilNadu,Delhi-NCR,Orissa,MP UP to All Medical Courses (Like:-MS,MD,MDS,PG-Diploma) Through/Under Management/NRI quota.

Tuesday, 9 December 2014


Ruxmaniben Deepchand Gardi Medical College

We established an ideal Medical College at Ujjain in the year 2001 after a long waiting period of nearly forty years as no medical colleges was established in M.P. either in Govt. or Private sector in preceding last 40 years ours is the first private medical college in M.P.

For running a good Medical College with high academic standards and for providing excellent medical educationA Good modern hospital equipped with sophisticated diagnostic & therapeutic equipments is a pre-requisite. We commissioned a good modern hospital the Ujjain Charitable Trust Hospital with sophisticated diagnostic and therapeutic equipments thirteen years back. The hospital is having 400 beds. We have also built another 570 beded hospital in the Medical College Campus where all the services are provided free. We are proud that we are providing, as envisaged standard medical education to the students. First batch of students is already passed and is doing internship.
Department of Anatomy
The broad goal of the teaching of undergraduate students in Anatomy in with the aim to provide comprehensive knowledge of the gross and microscopic structure and development of human body to provide a basis of understanding the clinical correlation of organs and structure involved and the anatomical basis for disease presentation.  The teaching is carried out with the objectives having cognitive domain, psychomotor domain and affective domain.
    • Teratology
    • Anthropology
    • Morphology
    • Histology & Neuroanatomy.
Work is in progress in the field of Teratology and anthropometry. Presently the department doing anthropometrical survey of Berwa tribe of Malwa region
Routine Histological Techniques for H.E. staining & special staining. Freezing Microtome Elementary, basic genetic laboratory equipment.
The department has got huge accommodation including Dissection hall Museum, Histology  Laboratory, Tutorial halls, preparation rooms, Embalming  room, two lecture theatres.  The Museum has got 550 human specimens, models, charts, X-Ray Gallary etc. attractively displayed with catalogues.
  • Teaching materials
The department is having 32 cadavers. One cadaver is provided for dissection to a group of ten students. In addition audiovisual aids, computers, CDs, VCPs , OHPs etc. are available in the department.
  • Future Project:
It is planned to have Genetic laboratory.
Department of Physiology
Department of Physiology has well developed research oriented education Dept. They are having research projects done on effect of mental stress and relaxation on various parameters in normal healthy medical students. Papers are being presented for national conference of Physiologists. The department has well functioning advanced research lab.
Clinical Cardiovascular Physiology
Clinical Respiratory Physiology & Nutrition Physiology.
Polyrite, Physiographs, Colorimeter, etc. Demonstration Room, Amphibian Lab, Mammalian Laboratory , Hematology Laboratory, Clinical Physiology Laboratory ,Research Laboratory, - Departmental Library , Teaching Staff Room
Department of Biochemistry
The department has highly skilled faculty which is involved in research projects on Super oxide Dismutase enzyme levels in Pre-Eclampsia and Carcinoma Cervix, Reference Values of Biochemical parameter in and around Ujjain.

Enzymology, Lipid metabolism, Amino acids, Antioxidants & Malignancy.

Electrolyte Analyser.

Thin Layer Chromatography.

Poly Acrylamide Gel Electrophoresis.

Digital pH Meter.

Biochemistry Auto Analyser.

Blood Gas Analyser.

Demonstration Room, Bio Chemistry Laboratory , -  Departmental Library,

Teaching Staff Room, Research Laboratory .
Department of Community Medicine
Department of Community Medicine is one of the best department of India. Professor Vinod Diwan, Professor of Epidemiology and Professor of International Health, at Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, an international authority in public health, is Adjunct Professor in this Department. The faculty of Department has young energetic teachers who are actively involved in field research work on various topics in collaboration with world renowed institutes and has published many papers in international journals. Professor Bo Eriksson, Professor of Biostatistics at N.S.P.H. (Nordic School of Public Health) is also adjunct professor here.  
RESEARCH INTERESTS R.C.H. & Tropical Diseases, Tuberculosis, Longitudinal Demographic Study HIV.
  • Special Achievements
Department of Community Medicine has developed Palwa Field Laboratory for Socio- economic and longitudinal demographic data base creation and research work in field. This field laboratory, which covers 60 villages with 12,000 households, is our special achievement that shall develop over the years. It shall provide dependable data in health care and its delivery in years to come. Such Field Laboratory is hardly available anywhere in India or South Asia.
Community Medicine Department has carried out a study specifically aiming at identifying and locating private health care providers of Ujjain district to study their distribution and to develop strategy to seek their participation for more effective and better health care provision to extend the benefits of national health programmes to the under privileged people in urban and rural areas. Their distribution in the area has been displayed with the help of Geographical Information System (GIS) for the first time in the world. Department of Community Medicine has close ties with Nordic School of Public Health; Gotenberg, Sweden and Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden and Faculty exchange for specific projects between them has become a regular feature .
  • On Going Project is Community Medicine
    • Private Health Sector Performance (PSP): The Role of Non-Governmemtal health care: A Study of scope and potential with a focus of policies to promote its contribution to improve health.
    • Development of digital maps and database for health care planning and provision with the help of Geographical Information System (GIS) .
    • Longitudinal demographic and socio-ecomonic survey and analysis of 60 villages of Ujjain district .
    • To develop modal of public-private partnership for improved managment of ARI and diarrhoeal diseases in under 5 children in PHC Narwar of Ujjain district.
    • To study the impact of Social Clubs and Teen Clinics in imparting IEC addressing HIV/AIDS amoung the adolescent of urban slum, Ashok Nagar of Ujjain.
    • Performance evalution of constructed wetland to treat hospital waste-water .
    • Monitoring of drinking water quality of 60 villages of Ujjain District .
Gender and tuberculosis a multi centre intentional research project .
FACILITIES AVAILABLE - Demonstration Room - Laboratory - Departmental Library cum Seminar Room - Research Laboratory - Palwa Field Lab Centre - Department of Medical Education .
Department of Pathology
Department has all latest equipments for research. There is association between department and Bergen University Norway where Dr.(Mrs.) M.Purohit , Asso.Professor is conducting Research work on extra pulmonary TB.
Histopathology, Cytopathology & Haematology.
FACILITIES AVAILABLE Histopathology, Aspiration Cytology & Pap Smear. Bone Marrow Aspiration & Biopsy. Blood Bank Services. Complete Clinical Pathology and Haematology including special tests. Fully automated Cell counters, Blood gas analyser, Fluorescent Microscope The department runs one of the ideal blood bank. - Demonstration Rooms - Morbid Anatomy and Histopathology Laboratory / Cytopathology Laboratory - Clinical Pathology / Haematology Laboratory - Museum - Department Library cum Seminar Room - Research Laboratory
Department of Microbiology
Departments Laboratory of TB has been accredited for research by International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases(IUATLD), Paris. The field of research has been Tuberculosis, Mycotoxins, Cryptosporidiosis. identification in disease profiles. Department is well equipped with latest equipments.
Fungal & Anaerobic Culture, Tuberculosis, Maleria.
FACILITIES AVAILABLE Fully automated IMX system for serology. All types of culture & sensitivity tests, Elisa Readers. Internationally accredited tuberculosis research laboratory. - Demonstration Room -. Service Laboratory i. Bacteriology including anaerobic ii. Serology iii. Virology iv. Parasitology v. Mycology vi. Tuberculosis vii. Immunology - Museum - Departmental Laboratory cum Seminar Room - Research Laboratory
Department of Forensic Medicine
Forensic Medicine department has extensive good number of models, X-Rays, photographs and weapons in excellent Museum. The department is involved with forensic research in the field of forensic anthropology.
Forensic Histopathology, Enzyme & Electrolytes in relation to time since death.
FACILITIES AVAILABLE Spectrophotometer. Electrolyte Analyser. Thin Layer Chromatography. Histopathology Lab. Well equipped mortuary for Medico-legal Autopsy. Museum & Research Laboratory.
Department of Pharmacology
The department of Pharmacology and clinical Pharmacology has facility for advanced research in the field of clinical and investigative Pharmacology. Department is planning to associate itself with developing state of Art Bio availability and Drug analysis laboratory in near future. The department is associated with Society for Promotion of Rational Use of Drugs and National Phamacovigilance Programme.
- Demonstration Rooms
- Practical Laboratory
i. Experimental Pharmacology
ii. Clinical Pharmacology
- Museum
- Departmental Laboratory cum Seminar Room
- Research Laboratory
- Teaching Staff Rooms
RESEARCH INTERESTS Clinical Evaluation of Indigenous Drugs & Pharmacoepidemiology, Adverse Drug Events. FACILITIES AVAILABLE For Clinical Evaluation of – Psychotrpic Drugs, Analgesics, Cardiovascular Drugs, Diuretics, Antihistaminics & Drugs affecting size of Pupil & accommodation. To carry out Drug utilization studies. .
Department of  Surgery
The department has large and very delicated faculty. The members of faculty are highly qualified and experienced teachers & renowned surgeons. Department of Surgery is known for facilities available compared to any best hospital in India. Urosurgery, Pediatric Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery, Lithotripsy, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery are routinely carried out. Surgery department has all latest investigational support including CT Scan, ultrasound well developed Radio diagnosis and pathology departments. Department of Surgery has ten well equipped operation theatres with Lamellar Air flow system, filters, clean Airflow system. UPS lighting system. Every year about 3000 surgeries are carried out. Various minimal access surgeries are carried out by laproscope, cysto resectoscope, orthoscope, hysteroscope etc.
RESEARCH INTERESTS Lower Urinary Tract Obstruction, Paediatric Surgery, Surgical Infections, Colo-rectal Surgery, H.pylori, Koch’s Abdomen & Urolithiasis.
FACILITIES AVAILABLE G-I Endoscope, Colono Scope Cystoscope (Adult & Paediatrics) TURP. Laproscope, Bronchoscope. Lithotripsy (Extra & Intra Corporeal) with CCTV Camera. Pathology Lab to carry out histopathology and serology testing. C.U.S.A. Radio frequency abelator, stereotactic surgery facility. C Arm Image Intensifier .
Department of  Medicine
Dept. of Medicine has large faculty having extensive experience of teaching, and research. Department has all latest equipment for investigations and treatment. Department conducts different speciality clinics regularly. Department is associated with different clinical trials, and research work in hospital and community too.
RESEARCH INTERESTS Haematology, Neurology, Cardiology, Diabetes mellitus & Tropical Diseases, Tuberculosis.
FACILITIES AVAILABLE Casualty with emergency treatment facilities. Well equipped Intensive Care Unit. Intensive Cardiac Care Unit. 2-D Echo Cardiography. G-I Endoscopy. Haemodialysis. Colour Doppler. Colonoscopy E.G.G., E.M.G., E.E.G. .
Department of Pediatrics
Department of Pediatrics has young and energetic faculty which is already involved in various research projects. Department of Pediatrics has neonatal I.C.U. which is graded to referral level I.C.U. grade IV and also a PICU. The department is involved in conduct of speciality pediatric clinics. Research work involves enzymatic, abnormalities in the pediatric age groups. Studies in growth and development of children in Malwa region.
RESEARCH INTERESTS Neonatology, Neurology, Cardiology & Tropical Diseases.
FACILITIES AVAILABLE Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. (having Incubators, Warmers, Resuscitation Trolly, Phototherapy) ventilators , CPAP machine infusion pump, etc. Exchange Transfusion Facilities .
Department of  Obst. & Gynae.
This department has large experienced faculty. Department of Obst. and Gynae is conducting many research projects. Department has all latest equipment and facilities. Many Community projects are being conducted by the department in the field of cancer in women and many papers have been published. The department runs various clinics including Antenatal, postpartum clinic, cancer clinic etc.
RESEARCH INTERESTS Eclampsia, Cervical Dysplasia & Anaemia during pregnancy in Rural Population.
FACILITIES AVAILABLE Obstetric Ultrasound with Transvaginal Probe, Cardiotopograph. Ultrasonic Doppler Foetal Monitor, Labour rooms, eclampsia room, obstetric ICU .
Department of Ophthalmology
Department of Ophthalmology has experienced teachers and surgeons. Department has all the latest equipment and facilities. Speciality Ophthalmic work such as phacosurgery, A-scan facilities, computerized refractometry, and other services are available. Department is also involved in Community Ophthalmology services in rural areas of Malwa.
RESEARCH INTERESTS Small Incision Cataract Surgery, Corneal Diseases .
FACILITIES AVAILABLE Slit Lamp. Operative Microscope with CCTV. Keratometer, Phacomachine, Refrectometer etc.
Department of  E.N.T.
This department has large experienced faculty. Special facilities provided in department of E.N.T. is pure tone audiometry/ specialized intraotic investigations etc.  Special work is done in endoscopic sinus surgery and microar surgery. Department also has Fibreoptic laryngoscope and bronchoscope.
Counseling for dumb & deaf children through special clinic in the ENT also available

RESEARCH  INTERESTS Tuberculosis in E.N.T., Cholesteoma.

FACILITIES  AVAILABLE  E.N.T. Microscopic Surgery. with CCTV, Nasal Endoscopic Sinus Surgery, Audiometry, Impedance audiometry.

Department of Orthopaedics
Department of Orthopedics has very experienced faculty. Department has all latest equipment and facilities for routine, and specialized surgery. Super specialty work includes spine surgery, joint replacement surgery Orthoscopy and Physiotherapy. Various research papers have been published in national and international journals.
RESEARCH INTERESTS CTEV, Trauma, Arthoscopy, Arthoplasty, Bio-degradable implants.
FACILITIES AVAILABLE Arthoscopy. Total Hip Replacement. Interlocking Nail. External Fixators. C-Arm Image Intensifier Lamellar air flow, ioniser, pressure filter equipped operation theatre .
Department of Tuberculosis & Chest Diseases
Dept. of Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases has staff who are young & energetic clinician and researchers. They are involved with "An international multicentric trial for evaluation of four drug fixed dose combined tablet in the initial intensive phase of chemotherapy supported by IAULTD, Paris and are also involved in various projects associated with Gender and Tuberculosis, Treatment outcomes, cost effectiveness with Community Medicine department. The department has fiber optic bronchoscopy facility and has installed Body Box PFT Machine for the first time in M.P.
RESEARCH INTERESTS Comparative randomised trial of T.B. T.T. Genetic finger printing of mycobacterium.
FACILITIES AVAILABLE Ventilator, X-Ray Machine, Spirometer, Fiberoptic Bronchoscope, Body Box PFT Machine. ICU for chest diseases.
Department of Anaesthesiology & Resuscitation
Department of Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation has staff having professional work experience of about 25 years in handling problems of General anaesthesiology and it's subspecialty: Oncosurgery; Pediatric surgery, Neurosurgery having rich academic experience Two research projects are at hand entitled. "A study of Microbial flora of operating rooms-Their thermal and chemical sensitivity. And "Performance qualifications of Pulse oximetre under variable circulatory conditions"
Department of Dermatology
Department of Dermatology has young and energetic faculty and has many research papers to their credit. Their work in the field of Psoriasis, autoimmune disorders and fungal dermatitis is recognized.
RESEARCH INTERESTS Leukoderma, Psoriasis .
Department of Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry has a blend of experienced and young faculty having good experience in the teaching, clinical work and research. Department is also involved in Community Psychiatry projects.
RESEARCH INTERESTS Behaviour Modification. Sehizophrenia.

Department of Radiodiagnosis
Department of Radiodiagnosis has highly experienced faculty. They have been instrumental in developing the department of Radiology earlier and Radio diagnosis later in different Medicall Colleges. Department has all latest equipment such as X-Ray units, spiral C.T.Scanning, M.R.I., Colour Dopplers, X-ray with IITV etc.
FACILITIES AVAILABLE 300 mA X-Ray Machines, 500 mA X-ray Machine with IITV, 800 mA X-Ray Machine. Ultrasonography Machines with Linear and Sector Probe, TV Probe. MRI , Multislice Spiral, C.T. Scanner Color Doppler.
Department of Dentistry
Department of Dentistry has highly experienced and sail full faculty.   The Dental Surgery department caters to the routine dental surgery, Orthodontia, maxio- facial surgery and other advanced procedures.
RESEARCH  INTERESTS Replantation of Teeth.
Full & Partial Denture.Fixed partial Prosthesis (Acrylic, Gold Crown, Cobalt, Chromic, Gold alloy & Ceramic work) Silver Filling & Light Cure Filling.Full Mouth Scalling & Gingivectomy.Orthodontic Treatment.Root Canal Treatment.
Courses Offered
Ruxmaniben Deepchand Gardi Medical College offers 100 seats in the M.B.B.S course, which lasts for four and a half years with a compulsory internship of 12 months. Admissions to the course started in 2001 First batch of students has already passed and is doing post graduation internship, 85 seats are filled through MP DMAT Examination and 15 NRI seats are filled by the management

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