India’s No.1 Admission Consultancy For Admissions through Management Quota/NRI QUOTA or NO-Donation in Top Colleges.

NOTE- Below given blog information regarding admission guidance to various colleges in INDIA.
That does not mean all the colleges having Management quota Subjected to any kind of authorization with us.}

We are Providing Admission guidance through Management Quota/NRI Quot/Foreign Quota in Top Private Medical Colleges of Karnataka(Bangalore),Maharashtra(Pune, Mumbai),TamilNadu,Delhi-NCR,Orissa,MP UP to All Medical Courses (Like:-MS,MD,MDS,PG-Diploma) Through/Under Management/NRI quota.

Tuesday, 9 December 2014



Nims Medical College and Hospital was established in the year 2004 as per MCI norms. The recognition was given for MBBS course by MCI in the year 2009. It is a constituent College of Nims University.
The phenomenal growth in the journey of NIMS Medical College and Hospital attained another milestone by starting post graduate course in all the specialties in the year 2011.
Nims Hospital, being legendary as a multispeciality tertiary level ultra modern hospital, is recognized for investigating and treating Rajasthan Government employees, pensioners. State insurance employees and co-operative dairy employees.
About Us
The Nims Medical College and hospital meets recognized standard of excellence in education and has modern facilities to explore, practice, and achieve the highest standards in professional skills. The highly qualified teaching faculty at the Medical College and Hospital is as per the requirements of Medical Council of India. The students are groomed to be excellent professionals with moral and ethical values.
The institute in pursuit of its vision provides outstanding educational experience in all the disciplines of Medicine and allied Health Sciences in a supportive environment of scholarship, research, integrity, critical thinking and self directed learning. It provides comprehensive, culturally sensitive, community oriented health care to individuals and families. The Vision and mission of the institute is accomplished by using the values of congeniality, openness, inclusiveness and community involvement at a local and global level. the hard work and dedication put in by the management and the devotion of staff and faculty members combined with passion and zeal of the students have allowed the institute to scale new heights.
As per directive from MCI regulation 1997 Medical Education Unit( MEU) has been created in Nims Medical College.
For faculty development, MEU is conducting workshops for basic training in education technologies. Nims Medical college, Jaipur took the lead in Rajasthan to train its faculty in this basic course workshop by successfully organizing first workshop from 3rd to 5th November 2011. Thirty teaching faculty members were trained. The second workshop was conducted from 11th to 13th June 2012 and twenty six faculty members were trained. Evaluation report of these workshops was sent to MCI academic cell by MCI observer Dr. Himashu Pandya, Professor, Department of Medicine, Pramukuswami Medical College Karamsad (Regional training centre).
The MEU has developed standard modular training manual for this basic course. This manual has been prepared with a view to familiarize the participants with the basic of Educational Technologies so that they can use it as a guide for teaching learning process for undergraduate and postgraduate medical students.
Third Basic course work on ME technology is scheduled from 26-Nov-12 to 28-Nov-12. This is a regular bi-annually organised program of the university.
Major activities of the college include -
  • To impart quality education in Under-graduate and Post-graduate medical and paramedical courses.
  • To set trends and norms in medical research and ethics
  • To offer patient care of high quality with multi-speciality and super-speciality facilities in Nims hospital with advanced ultra diagnostic facilities.
Departments in NIMS Medical College and Hospital
  • Anatomy
  • Biochemistry
  • Physiology
  • Pathology
  • Microbiology
  • Pharmacology
  • Forensic Medicine
  • Preventive and Social Medicine
  • Medicine
  • Psychiatry
  • T.B. & Respiratory Diseases
  • Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy
  • Pediatrics
  • Anaesthesiology
  • Radio Diagnosis
  • Surgery
  • Orthopaedics
  • Otorhinolaryngology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology
All the departments have well furnished infrastructure and are fully equipped with latest and sophisticated equipments. Central diagnostic division of the Nims hospital is to  provide advanced laboratory facilities  covering Clinical Biochemistry, Clinical  Pathology and Clinical Microbiology and facilities of genetic laboratory. This division has been updated keeping in view the advancement of knowledge and technology and research requirements for post graduate courses in all specialities. In addition Radiodiagnosis  and superspecialities  services in IVF, Cardiology, Cardiothoracic and vascular surgery, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Nephrology and urology are in practice.

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