India’s No.1 Admission Consultancy For Admissions through Management Quota/NRI QUOTA or NO-Donation in Top Colleges.

NOTE- Below given blog information regarding admission guidance to various colleges in INDIA.
That does not mean all the colleges having Management quota Subjected to any kind of authorization with us.}

We are Providing Admission guidance through Management Quota/NRI Quot/Foreign Quota in Top Private Medical Colleges of Karnataka(Bangalore),Maharashtra(Pune, Mumbai),TamilNadu,Delhi-NCR,Orissa,MP UP to All Medical Courses (Like:-MS,MD,MDS,PG-Diploma) Through/Under Management/NRI quota.

Saturday, 22 November 2014

After MBBS.?

What career after MBBS.?
Pursuing an career in medicine is a dream for many aspriring candidates all over with an compulsive aim to serve mankind.The doorstep to such a lucrating career starts with joining a MBBS course which is of four years duration with an added practical internship. But even after completing their dream course the real Question come to mind.
What to do next after MBBS ...?????
Is just MBBS sufficient for my career advancement.?
Will my future be optimistic..?
How much will I earn..?
Where and what position will I be working..?
Any way it's Your career Afterall .What career after MBBS.?
Doctors are treated next to Gods and their career opens them fortunes at different crossings of life opening doors to be chosen depending upon their interests.The different options available are: completing the mbbs course you can obtain your registration and become a Well known physician DOCTOR,OR AN EXPERT SURGEON.Open up a clinic and employ bussiness skills to earn successfully. an higher speciality by continuing post graduation education studies in different branches in medicine or surgery (M.D /M.S/M.Ch/P.hd) .Practise independently or join a reputed firm .Different options are Cardiology,Ear Nose Throat,Anaesthesia,Orthopedics,Pediatrics,Dermatology,Forensic sciences,Plastic surgery,Radiology,Psychiatry etc.Higher education can be obtained in India or many universities abroad. have a passion for reserch in the medical world.There are many research establishments like ICMR (Indian council for medical research),Rajiv Gandhi Centre for
Biotechnology, CCMB (center for cellular and molecular biology), Tata institute of fundamental research (TIFR) ,NIMHANS(national institute of medical health and neurosciences) and also join World health organisation(WHO) projects.These institutes offer fellowships,Phd and MSc degrees for clinical and paramedical fields. can further pursue your MBA from a reputed college in India or abroad.Many MBA management schools at presentare giving admission to Doctors easily as there is a huge demand for medical professionals in health care in India..Later they can enjoy a challenging postions in insurance / health care and management industry in both government,medical software companies,Universities,private companies,WHO/UNICEF and hospital administration. candidates really want to earn fast and progress by serving the healtcare management sector , then they can pursue a specialization post graduation course MD( Master's Degree in Hospital Administration) This three years programme help them to acquire conceptual skillfulness in projecting,planning and resource managing big speciality hospitals,clinics ,nursing homes,mental facilities,insurance companies,and health care consulting organizations.This study helps them to save many lives and help in cost effective administration of the industry to grow. can work in medical informatics sector in medical IT companies,Nanotechnology,medical robotics and call centres,medical transcription services and software programmers. for public service (UPSC) civil service examinations and become an IAS officer. medical professionals can work in various pharmaceutical companies as medico marketing officers and also find themselves a position as laboratory research assistants
Answers may vary from one individual to another.Thinking of going for higher education depends upon personal interests,exam results,enrance test scores,career options,family background, financial status etc..Also the competition for pg courses in medicine are so high in India that a very few doctors aim to secure high in NEET or other entrance examinations ,avail loans and pursue their dreams.But there are a few class of candidates who are ready to shell a very huge amount of money for pg admissions under management quota.

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