India’s No.1 Admission Consultancy For Admissions through Management Quota/NRI QUOTA or NO-Donation in Top Colleges.

NOTE- Below given blog information regarding admission guidance to various colleges in INDIA.
That does not mean all the colleges having Management quota Subjected to any kind of authorization with us.}

We are Providing Admission guidance through Management Quota/NRI Quot/Foreign Quota in Top Private Medical Colleges of Karnataka(Bangalore),Maharashtra(Pune, Mumbai),TamilNadu,Delhi-NCR,Orissa,MP UP to All Medical Courses (Like:-MS,MD,MDS,PG-Diploma) Through/Under Management/NRI quota.

Saturday, 30 April 2016

MBBS & BDS 2016 through management quota

MBBS Admission through management quota
( 9036818303) MBBS Admission through management quota.
NOTE- Below given Add information regarding admission guidance to various colleges in INDIA.
“ That doesn’t means all the colleges having Management quota.”
To all medical aspirants,who is preparing for MBBS.As we all know there are lots of medical colleges and institution in India.According to India today survey,Pursuing MBBS in INDIA is the best venue for medical Aspirants.The course assigned by Medical Council OF India is best optimised medical curriculum in the world.That is why Indian doctors are prestigious in every field.We provide MBBS Admission through management quota.
FOR Medical Admission:-
CALL:–   { 9036 818303  }   
MBBS Admission through management quota
Admissions guidance for Private Medical Colleges in Karnataka, Maharashtra, Delhi-NCR, MP ,Tamil Nadu, & AP Admissions under Management/NRI Quota

Medical Courses:-MBBS, MD/ MS, BDS, MDS, BHMS, BAMS, BPT, MPT, D Pharm, B Pharm, M Pharm, B.Sc, PBC, GNM, M.Sc – Nursing
We all know that rush is high in MBBS Admission in India.The number of aspirants,participating in medical exams is 11 times more than the total number of seats in India.According to Medical Council Of India there are 381 private and government medical colleges in India.Collectively.these medical colleges have around 50,000 medical seats in India registered with the medical council of India.The honest thought making doctor to patient ratio from current of 1:2000 to 1:1000.
All private medical colleges have right to hold 15% of their total seats reserved for MBBS admission through management quota.These 15% seats are allotted for students who want take MBBS Admission through management quota.So the process of MBBS Admission through management quota totally legal and there no issue of conflict.As, we all know that since the competition getting tough day by day.Sometimes it’s very hard to acquire MBBS admission through merit,in that case they can for surely go for MBBS admission through management quota.We provide MBBS Admission through management quota at best packages.All payments are subjected to be made in front of medical college administrators only for MBBS Admission through management quota.We don’t take any amount of money from you FOR your MBBS Admission through management quota.We will work throughout your admission process,with our best connection in college administrations,We will get you MBBS Admission through management quota at best package.We work only on our service charge only after your MBBS admission through management quota has been done,We will take our service charge from you.
Contact us for MBBS Admission through management quota
Call:–   { 9036 818303  }   
WHY US FOR MBBS Admission through management quota?
·         MOST dedicated team for MBBS admission through management,Our team works with full efforts for your medical admission in all top private medical colleges of India.
·         We have experience of medical admission since last 15 years.
·         With my experience and knowledge indulging best connection with the college administration and smoother discussion,I can fetch you a medical seat in best package.
·         With more than 450 MBBS admission through management quota and 250+ medical PG admission,We are the most trusted educational consultancy in India.
·         We will provide you all college details and college trips with n expert advice for the medical college of your preferred selection.
Let us discuss on some of the best private medical colleges for MBBS Admission through management quota:-
·         M S Ramaiyah Institute of Medical Sciences:- MS RAMAIYAH Medical college is a centre of excellence in Medical education.It has a large number of in patient and out patient flow.The location of the college is in the heart of Bangalore.The hospital is a well facilitated,sophisticated and modernised.
·         Kempegowda Institute of Medical sciences:-
·         DR BR Ambedkar medical college:- The elegant and imposing college building with its beautiful architectural design attracts the attention of all visitors. It is well planned and accommodates the Administrative block, Trust office, departments and a modern OPD Block. The hospital with 600 beds is also situated on the campus. The college is now affiliated with the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences. The college runs the MBBS course as well as post-graduate courses in many subjects that are recognized by theMedical Council of India
·         DY Patil Medical college:-
Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), Bangalore was established in the year 1980 by the Vokkaligara Sangha and is affiliated to the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka.
KIMS is recognized by Medical Council of India (MCI) permanently for running MBBS Course since 1980-81 and also running Post-graduate degree/diploma courses in various disciplines since 1991-92.Kims is ranked 1 for medical education in Karnataka.
Krishna institute of medical sciences,(KIMS,KARAD):-Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences Deemed University Karad is located in Western Maharashtra, India against the background of mountains and valleys. The campus is spread over 60 acres and is well connected by national highway to Mumbai & Pune International Airport.For MBBS Admission through Management quota call   { 9036 818303  }    .
The constituent colleges of the University include Medical, Dental, Physiotherapy, Nursing and Biotechnology offering undergraduate and postgraduate courses in respective faculties. It also runs Ph.D. programs in Anatomy, Community Medicine, Pharmacology, Microbiology and Nursing.
After almost two decades of work as an affiliated Medical College, earlier of Shivaji University, Kolhapur and later of Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik, based on excellent and constant academic performance, a very strong and aesthetic infrastructural system, efficient and transparent governance and distinct potential for future progress , the department of Secondary and Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, on the recommendations of University Grants Commission under section 3 of UGC act of 1956, vide its resolution No. F.9-26/2004-U3 dated 1st September 2005, has accorded the University status to D.Y.Patil Education Society consisting of D.Y. Patil Medical College with immediate effect.For MBBS Admission through management quota contact 89047 233 94.
Contact for MBBS Admission 
Call:  { 9036 818303  }    
Eligibility criteria by medical council of India:-
Admission to the Course-Medical Eligibility Criteria:
No candidate for admission to the Curriculum of Medicine first Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) course until it can:
He / she must complete the age of 17 on or before December of the year of admission to MBBS course 31;
He / she has passed the qualifying examination as under: –
The higher secondary examination or the Indian School Certificate Examination equivalent to 10 + 2 Higher Secondary Examination after a period of 12 years of study, the last two years of study comprising of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics or another electives with a non-English Below Basic level English course as prescribed by the National Research Council for Education and Training after the introduction of the 10 + 2 + 3 years of the educational structure as recommended by the National education committee;For direct mbbs admission through management us.
Note: When the content of the course is not as prescribed for the 10 + 2 structure of the National Education Commission, candidates will have to undergo a period of pre-professional training a year before admission to medical schools;Get 100% confirmed guaranteed MBBS Admission through management quota.
The intermediate science examination of an Indian / College Board or other recognized examining body with Physics, Chemistry and Biology, which will include a practical test on these issues and also English as a compulsory subject;
The pre-vocational / pre-med with Physics, Chemistry and Biology, well after passing the higher secondary school examination, or pre-university or equivalent exam. The pre-vocational / pre-medical examination shall include a practical test in physics, chemistry and biology as well as English as a compulsory subject;
The first year of three-year degree course from a recognized university, with Physics, Chemistry and Biology including a practical test in three subjects provided that the test is a “Review University” and the candidate has passed 10 + 2 with the English a level not less than a basic course;
B.Sc examination of an Indian university, provided he / she has passed the exam B.Sc least two of the following subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology (Botany, Zoology) and also he / she has passed the qualifying examination prior to the following subjects, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English.
Any other test that, in scope and the level is found to be equivalent to the intermediate science examination of an Indian university / Board, taking Physics, Chemistry and Biology including practical test in each of these subjects and English.
The pre-medical course can be carried out either at the Medical College or university of Science.
Grades in mathematics should not be considered for admission to MBBS course.
After 10 + 2 course is introduced, integrated courses should be abolished
5. Selection of students: The selection of students to medical school is based solely on the merits of the candidate and for determining the merit, the following criteria were adopted uniformly across the country:
In the states, which have only a Medical College and a table university / examining body conducting the qualifying examination, the qualification obtained in that qualifying examination may be taken into account;
In states that have more than one university / table / examining body conducting the qualifying examination (or where there is more than one medical college under the administrative control of an authority) an entrance examination should be held in order to achieve uniform assessment may be a variation of standards qualifying examinations performed by different organizations;
When more than one university in one state and one university / ironing conduct the qualifying examination, then a joint selection board made for all schools;
An entrance examination is absolutely necessary in the case of institutions of all characters of India;
Procedure for MBBS course selection will be as follows: –
in the case of admission on the basis of a qualifying exam under clause (1) based on merit, the candidate for admission to MBBS course must have passed in the subjects of physics, chemistry, biology and individual English and must have earned a minimum of 50% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry and Biology in the qualifying examination as mentioned in clause (2) of Regulation 4. With respect to the candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes or other backward classes, grades in Physics, Chemistry and Biology taken together in qualifying examination be 40% instead of 50% previously.
In case of intake based on entrance exam in clause (2) to (4) of this regulation, a candidate must have passed in the subjects of physics, chemistry, biology and individual English and must have obtained a minimum of 50% marks in their entirety in Physics, Chemistry and Biology in the qualifying examination as mentioned in clause (2) of Regulation 4 and also must have come in the merit list prepared as a result of such examination income, ensuring not less than 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology taken together in the contest. With respect to the candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other backward grades in Physics, Chemistry and Biology as a whole in the qualifying examination entrance examination and 40% instead of 50% as has been said classes:
Whenever a candidate who has appeared in the qualifying examination whose result has not been declared, it may provisionally allow to take the entrance exam to the competition and in the case of selection for admission to MBBS course, will not be admitted to that course until it meets the eligibility criteria in regulation.
For MBBS Admission through management quota contact
Call :-  { 9036 818303  }   
7. Hassle free Processing
Admission Procedure:
1. Admission Guidance has large information base for colleges across India and abroad. And will help you to find colleges in accordance with your requirements.
2. Admission Guidance will help you to filter colleges, which meets your budget constraint.
3. Admission Guidance will provide all information regarding admission procedure in those colleges.
4. Admission Guidance will keep you posted with all the upcoming events and important dates.
5. Admission Guidance will assist on your visit to colleges of your choice.
6. Admission Guidance will guide you throughout the admission procedure. Right from filling of form, till you are admitted in the college.
NOTEAbove given Add information regarding admission guidance to various colleges in INDIA.
{That doesn’t means all the colleges having Management quota.}

More details about colleges please 
Contact on-  { 9036 818303  }   

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